Trail(blaz)ing Gaz Chance tells us about Trainspotting toilets, tat tat tat and tent trauma…
Tell us about your background.
I was born and raised in a small village called Wolverley on the outskirts of Kidderminster, Worcestershire, where I went to school, lived and worked until my wife Kelly got a job here in Hong Kong.
When did you move to Hong Kong?
February 2018.
What do you do for a living?
I used to manage a builder’s merchants in the UK until my wife brought me to Hong Kong. I’m what’s called a trailing spouse, and I haven’t worked at all. It’s been an amazing 18 months – I highly recommend it.
Favourite place in Hong Kong? Why?
Apart from The Lockhart 88 on a match day, Soho Corner on Staunton Street. A great place for people watching, even though the toilet is like the one out of Trainspotting.
Worst place in Hong Kong? Why?
The Ladies’ Market! Full of tat, tat and more tat!
Watching football, cricket and Netflix. Also, enjoy hiking when the weather is not unbearable.
Liverpool/Supporters Club
How long have you been supporting Liverpool?
For as long as I can remember. My oldest proper memory was watching the 1988 FA Cup Final versus Wimbledon and switching channels back and forth between ITV and BBC to see if the score was different on another channel. Still can’t believe we lost that game.
What was the first game you attended?
I was a bit late to the party on this one. It was actually an away game in 1999 at Elland Road – the match where Michael Owen first tore his hamstring after about 25 minutes. It finished 0-0, which is probably a good thing as I was with the home fans, so didn’t have to celebrate anything in silence.
How will Liverpool’s season finish?
Well, I don’t want to jinx it so…hopefully with another European Cup final in Istanbul, but domestically it definitely finishes away to Newcastle!
Favourite ever Liverpool goal?
Probably Gerrard’s FA Cup Final goal against West Ham in 2006, but he did score so many great goals.
Steven Gerrard or Sir King Kenny. I actually cried when Dalglish resigned in 1991 – I must have known we wouldn’t be the same team after he left. Until now of course.
Alex Ferguson
Fondest football memory?
The Italia 90 World Cup, which is when I first seriously got the football bug. I had a VHS tape of all the goals and watched it hundreds of times. Still don’t think there has been a better World Cup since.
Favourite current Liverpool player?
Big Virg. We have been a different team since he arrived.
Favourite past Liverpool player?
It’s got to be Gerrard. Also have a soft spot for John Barnes as he was my first favourite LFC player.
Favourite non-Liverpool player?
I know he gives us some stick on TV now he’s a pundit, but Matt Le Tissier scored some absolute worldies. Google them, I just have – they’re brilliant!
Worst player ever to play for Liverpool?
We have had some poor players in our time, but El Hadji Diouf has got to be the vilest player ever to wear the shirt.
How did you find out about the Hong Kong Reds?
Me and the wife were drinking in Soho, and randomly got talking to an existing member. We discovered we both supported Liverpool. He then told me about the Supporters Club and said I should come down for a game. It was a few weeks before I did but loved it and signed up straight away.
What does the Supporters Club mean to you?
Being able to watch the games in a great environment with great people is something I look forward to every week – which is why I hate the international breaks even more now I am in Hong Kong.
What’s the best part about being an LFC fan?
We never seem to know when we’re beat, especially lately. And now we have the best manager in the world in Jurgen Klopp.
What’s the worst part about being an LFC fan?
The stick we get from opposing fans of most other clubs. For example, the day after Gerrard’s slip against Chelsea, following the worst night’s sleep I have ever had, I had to drive two hours for a meeting at Head Office to have to sit there with an Everton fan, a United fan and a City fan – a genuinely horrible experience.
Why is The Lockhart 88 a good venue for the Supporters Club?
It’s a great spot. You can stand inside or outside and still get a good view of the game.
How does it feel watching games so late at night, especially mid-week games?
They can be the best, especially when you don’t have work the next day. It also attracts a smaller crowd which is when you get to know some of the members better than you would on a busier game night.
All-time favourite LFC moment?
I think it’s got to be Istanbul. It still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up to this day.
Favourite Supporters Club moment?
Probably the second leg against Barcelona last season. I did not expect a comeback as easy as that. Also, all the last-minute winners we are getting at the moment seem pretty special as well.
The Important Stuff
What’s your favourite TV show?
There are probably a few to be honest. Breaking Bad was awesome, but The Thick Of It and The Office are right up there as well.
Cheese or chocolate?
Cheese when drunk, chocolate when sober.
What would you like to chuck into Room 101?
El Hadji Diouf superglued to Alex Ferguson. They would probably annoy the shit out of each other as well – win win!!
What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done while drunk?
Falling drunkenly unconscious after a game in Wan Chai with a bag full of kebabs. Luckily, I was with a responsible adult (thanks Helen Chan) who fortunately had my wife’s phone number and called her to come and collect me as Helen couldn’t wake me up. I just wish I could remember seeing my wife walking through Wan Chai at 6am on a Monday morning in her PJs.
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
Crawling into what I genuinely thought was my tent at the Reading festival, only to be woken up a while after by the actual owner of the tent who was not very amused. Unlike all my mates, who heard the commotion and were absolutely pissing themselves.